Voici leurs commentaires :
20081207 (e-mail)
By the way, we really look forward to doing this tour with you next year; we missed you in 2006.
Connie …
20091028 (e-mail)
Hola Jorge!
I was on the Tlaquepaque tour on the Mexican holiday where you had shopkeepers open up for us. Muchas Gracias!
I am writing a story about Guadalajara and want to mention you and the company you work for. Could you provide that information?
Also, I would like to get a couple of quotes from you for the story. I would need a couple of sentences per quote:
1) …
If there is any way you could respond to me by the end of the day on Friday, I can incorporate your information into the story.
I really enjoyed the tour and want to make certain to help you get more business. I appreciate your help!
Member, Society of American Travel Writers
20091030 (e-mail)
Dear Dawna:
Now I am sure who you are.
Here are my answers, I hope it is still time and they will be useful for you.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Receive my best regards.
In a separate e-mail, I am going to send you the pictures I took in the Tlaquepaque tour, as well as some others I think could be of interest for your article…
20091031 (e-mail)
“Pictures from JCF 3 last”:
Last package for this time.
Dear Dawna:
Here I send you this last group of pictures…
All the photos are not edited, they are just as they came out from the camera, so you may edit as you need…
The one that says Turquía is also my son, when he used to travel on my shoulders!…
Now he is the photographer that has surpassed the teachers, at that time it was Norma or me.
This group was also to share with you, some of our family trips. I hope you like them.
Have a nice weekend.
20091102 (e-mail)
Got everything. I have been traveling. I’ll let you know if I have questions.
20091103 (e-mail)
This is a HUGE help, amigo!
I will let you know if I have other questions.
Muchas gracias!
20091103 (e-mail)
Thanks for these great photos!
20100211 (e-mail)
Here’s a link to the story:
They cut a lot of the information I received from you. But that’s not to say that I won’t be able to use it in another story at another time!
I appreciate all your help!
20100103 (e-mail)
Vous souvenez vous de nous.
Nous avons avec vous visité Guadalajara le samedi 28 mars 2009.
Nous étions 3, avec mon fils Jérôme et ma femme (en fauteuil).
Nous conservons un bon souvenir de vous et de votre passion que vous aviez à nous faire découvrir votre ville.
20100304 (e-mail)
Je voulais aussi, vous raconter, que la visite que j’ai faite avec vous, a été, pour moi, l’expérience las plus belle que j’ai eu, comme guide de touristes. A tel point, que j’ai gardé le billet de 50 E, comme souvenir, et j’allais tenter de le conserver (tant qu’il n’était pas urgent économiquement), dans une petite collection de pièces de monnaie que j’ai continué d’après une qu’avait mon Père, et lui d’après celle du grand Père, et que nous avions continuée, avec celles que l’on a conservées lors de nos voyages en Europe…
Maintenant, je vais le changer, soit pour aider un copain Architect qui a eu un accident, soit pour les Jens d’Haïti, ou aujourd’hui pour le Chile, …
Vous m’avais dit que vous étiez Catholiques, mais non plus pratiquants…
Bon, je dois vous dire que le Christ disait que ce n’est pas ce lui qui dit « Seigneur, Seigneur… qui va se sauver, mais ce lui qui fait la Volonté de Son Père… » Et son plus grand commandement, était toujours « l’amour des uns vers les autres… »
Et vous avez été pour moi, un exemple d’amour, d’union familiale, respect, compréhension, charme, délicatesse, etc. et en même temps, de courage pour la vie et de gout pour le tourisme, malgré les difficultés.
Á tel point, que je me suis permis de citer cette expérience de votre visite, lors de nos réunions de cours de formation continue pour les guides de touristes. Bien sûre, j’avais raconté ce ci à ma femme et à mon fis Jorge, dés que je suis rentré chez nous, ce jour la.
20101226 (e-mail)
Jorge Bonjour,
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne et heureuse année 2011.
Mon fils Jérôme travaille toujours chez une banque de crédits, il est toujours à la recherche d’une girl friend (peut-être) …
Ma fille travaille en Suisse.
La famille sera réunie le 15 et 16 janvier 2011 (y compris ma fille) pour célébrer les 87 ans de ma mère.
Mon frère a eu un grave problème de santé – une amplification de sa maladie (Parkinson, tu connais?)- j’espère que cela va s’améliorer ou se stabiliser.
J’espère que vous avez passé une bonne soirée de Noël en famille.
Que faites-vous pour le 31 décembre?
Nous resterons tous les deux à la maison pour ce 31 décembre, nous voulons nous reposer un peu…, le 2 janvier nous allons célébrer l’anniversaire de ma femme Jacqueline.
20120321 (e-mail)
We have a very big tragedy.
Our daughter JULIE is dead.
One accident of car Monday evening, the secour Tuesday Morning.
Julie works in Switzerland.
Now is finish, we have not daughter.
Jacky, Jacqueline and Jérôme.
20120407 (e-mail)
Nous vous remercions de tous vos nombreux témoignages et marque de sympathie que vous nous avez adressés.
Il nous est difficile de répondre à chacun individuellement pour vous remercier de votre attention, notre douleur et nos émotions sont trop présentes, veuillez nous en excuser.
Nous aurons certainement des contacts par e-mail ou autres prochainement de façon plus spécifique.
Notre fille et sœur JULIE sera toujours présente…… mais plus de la même façon…
Jacqueline, Jacky, Jérôme …
20100318 (e-mail)
Thank you very much for your fantastic tour, your patience with all the family and your excellent English
You made a very important day for us memorable.
I’m sending you 2 photos, but they are so big that I will have to send them separate
Québec, CANADA
20100327 (e-mail)
Bonjour Jorge,
voici quelques photos de sites, que tu nous a fait découvrir avec ta belle passion de Guadalajara.
Salutation a la próxima !
20100406 (e-mail)
Qué tal, AMIGOS:
Muchas gracias por las fotos…
Continuez à m’envoyer d’autres photos de vos voyages, pour partager avec vous cette expérience.
À la prochaine.
20100412 (e-mail, FB)
Bonjour Jorge,
ça nous fait plaisir de partager notre belle expérience au Mexique…Amicalement!
20100503 (e-mail)
Hola Jorge,
Gusto en saludarte, gracias por la retroalimentación, es magnífico contar con personas tan profesionales, que abarquen este punto…
Todos están muy satisfechos …
¡¡¡Estamos en contacto, que tengas bonito día!!!
20120304 (e-mail)
Que tal Jorge,
Te adjunto las fotografías del magnifico día que pasamos en Guadalajara, lo disfrutamos mucho, admiramos tu profesionalismo y amplio conocimiento, esperamos pronto darnos una vuelta por haya con un poco mas de tiempo, estamos en contacto…
Gracias por tus atenciones!
Saludos y un abrazo!
Arlenne y Juan Manuel …
20120523 (e-mail)
Estimado Jorge:
Gracias por compartir las fotos que tomo cuando coincidió que estando yo en práctica de campo con mis estudiantes, ustedes estuvieran en Sierra de Quila.
… encontrara parte de lo que hago como investigador, entomólogo y amante de la naturaleza, se que habrá algunas cosas que le gustaran.
Sin otro particular me despido deseándole tenga un excelente día.
M.C. Luis Eugenio
20120628 (e-mail)
Aprovechando para saludarte quería ver si tendrás las fotografías de Quila que me mencionaste en la fiesta de profesores de el Franco.
Este es el correo electrónico que utilizo regularmente.
20120629 (e-mail)
Qué tal Sergio:
Te tenía muy presente, a tal grado, que no sólo quería mandarte la liga a las fotos, que yo había tomado, y de las que platicamos; sino también una Guía, que me mandó la Directora de Turismo de San Martín Hidalgo, y esa aún no la tenía lista, por eso no te había escrito.
Entonces, te mando la liga a la guía, y ya que entres, tienes que bajarla, es texto y fotos.
20120822 (e-mail)
Dear Mr. Flores,
I would like to thank you for great trip. It was pleasure to meet with you and have opportunity to taste a little Guadalajara.
Attached are few pictures from our tour.
Best Regards
20121126 (e-mail)
Buena tarde, Sr. Jorge
¿Cómo le va? Espero que muy bien,
Agradecemos muchísimo la reseña que nos comparte y que la haya publicado en su blog, nos da mucho gusto.
Nada más que tenga oportunidad de bajar algunas de las fotos se las mando también para que pueda incorporarlas.
Aprovecho para agradecerle por todas sus atenciones durante su interesante guía por las ciudades que visitamos y su excelente trabajo, ¡muchas gracias!
Mtra. Katya
20121127 (e-mail)
Buenas tardes, señor Jorge,
Primero que nada, quiero agradecerle todas la atenciones que tuvimos de su parte y el apoyo que nos brindo con los muchachos, así como su paciencia para con ellos.
Aprecio mucho todas las explicaciones acerca de todos los lugares que visitamos, pues aunque ya conocía Guadalajara de hace mucho tiempo, es bueno conocer su historia y como surgen sus monumentos y cual ha sido el desarrollo de la ciudad.
Y en cuanto pueda le mandare una selección de fotos.
Y afortunadamente llegamos, bien y sin problemas
Atentamente profesora Sofía …
20121224 (e-mail)
Bonjour Jorge
Nous vous remercions encoure pour la visite de Guadalajara et nous vous souhaitons de passer des Joyeuses Fêtes.
À la prochaine
Diane, Joanne, Michel et Denis
20130130 (e-mail)
Buen día, Sr. Jorge:
¿Cómo está?
Después de un tiempo, me da gusto saludarlo nuevamente y enviarle las fotos que quedaron pendientes.
Asimismo, comentarle que me parece muy interesante todo lo que ha vivido; considero se vio reflejado en la atención que nos brindó y en la información y anécdotas que compartió con nosotros.
Muchas gracias.
Mtra. Katya
20130226 (e-mail)
Un petit coucou
Jorge bonjour. Nous sommes bien rentre en France un voyage sans encombre ni retard par contre arrive a paris -2 degrés et de la neige. Mais bon tout rentre dans l’ordre. J’ai bien récupérée ma camera et mes papiers encore merci a toi pour ton aide dans nos situation bizarre.
Tu a été vraiment efficace encore merci. J’espère que ton petit doigt va de mieux en mieux. Nous te souhaitons un bon déménagement et une bonne guérison à bientôt amicalement.
Brigitte et Michel.
20131005 (e-mail)
¡Para fotos gracias!
Witte Travel
20131005 (e-mail)
Merci de m envoyer les Photos Au Revoir !
20131006 (e-mail)
Merci Beaucoup !
20131006 (e-mail)
Добрый день! Спасибо за ваше письмо!
До 16 октября я нахожусь в командировке и буду иметь ограниченный доступ к почте.
По срочным вопросам звоните по телефону 84959336179
Thank you for your message!
I will be out of the office till 16 oct. With limited accsses to my email.
Thank you!
Witam serdecznie,
W dniach 30.09-23.10.2013 przebywam za granicą z ograniczonym dostępem do skrzynki mailowej. Na maile będę odpowiadać z opóźnieniem. W pilnych sprawach proszę o przesłanie smsa na komórkę – 508 177 388.
I am out of office from 30.09.2013 to 23.10.2013. During this time I will have limited access to my emails. For immediate assistance, please send a text message to my mobile: 0048 508 177 388.
Pozdrawiam/Best regards,
Ajijic, Chapala, Jalisco, México
20131007 (e-mail)
Estimado Jorge:
Muchas gracias por las fotografías y tus buenos comentarios sobre nuestras instalaciones…. Fue un verdadero placer recibir este importante Grupo de Operadores Turísticos, en el bello Hotel Real de Chapala y sobre todo poder compartir con ustedes como bien lo comentas, una rica taquiza mexicana con tortilla hecha en el momento.
Como efectivamente NO apareces en ninguna fotografía, comparto una de las tomadas por tu servidora donde creo estás de espalda….
¡Saludos cordiales y excelente inicio de semana!
20131007 (e-mail)
Muchas gracias estimado Jorge!!!! ¡Excelente inicio de semana!
20131009 (e-mail)
Hola a todos
Muchas gracias por las fotos y por lo de guapas ja ja ja la verdad es la primera vez que participo en un evento de este tamaño y fue la mejor experiencia que he tenido,
el recorrido por Chapala estuvo muy padre y en si todo el evento …
20131010 (e-mail)
Gracias Jorge.
Muy bonitas fotos.
20131010 (e-mail)
Bonjour Cher Jorge!
Merci beaucoup pour de très belles photos de notre groupe!
Avec plaisir de vous revoir un jour,
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
Muchas gracias Sr. Curiel, ya vi las fotos… y están bien bonitas.
Bonito día
20140102 (e-mail)
Bonjour Georges en souvenir du Mexique 2013 nous te souhaitons une bonne et heureuse année 2014. Attention aux chutes.
Michel et Brigitte.
Yvelines, Île-de-France,
20140530 (e-mail)
Notre Cher Nouvel Ami !
Nous te remercions pour le soin que tu as pris de notre groupe ainsi que de chacun d’entre nous !
Pas besoin de nous envoyer le Geo Guide Mexique… Tu peux le garder ou l’offrir, à ta convenance !
Les photos du mariage de ton fils sont splendides, ta femme est splendide !
Grosse bise
20141009 (e-mail)
Muchas gracias por las fotos
Me dio gusto ver a todos
Margarita González
20141009 (e-mail)
Indeed, I had a great time reliving my life there 50 years ago. It was magical. Yes, we did fill the days with lots of experiences.
I did see the peacock dollar Carl made you. I made sure he saw it as well and he was very touched that you included it.
Of course, we’d love to come again and would be delighted to see you again as well.
Take care of yourself, be well and happy.
Anna Marie
Volaris, USA
20141015 (e-mail)
Hola Jorge antes que nada te pido una disculpa por responder hasta hoy, como te imaginaras todos los días que estuvimos en Jalisco se me junto el trabajo y mil actividades llegando, así que hasta ahora me estoy poniendo al día.
La Sra. Marie se encuentra muy recuperada de salud y sigue muy contenta por el viaje, en general todo el grupo quedamos encantados con toda la agenda.
Gracias por las fotos y por compartir con nosotros un poco de su tiempo y experiencia.
Espero que en un futuro volvamos a coincidir.
Gracias por todo nuevamente.
María Luisa
20150104 (e-mail)
Hola! Jorge.
> Do you remember me?
> This tour was very good!!
> I had a great time.
> Thank you!!
> I waiting your take pictures.
> See you again.
20150115 (comment in WordPress)
Dear Jorge, I want to thank you for doing an excellent job leading the pre wedding tours you led for our son Scott Cole and Marta and our family in October. I would like to see the photos you took of our group but do not know how to find them.
Thank you,
20150129 (e-mail)
Bravo Jorge!
Le nouvel endroit choisi à Tequila a beaucoup plu à nos dirigeants et à nos clients! Un excellent choix!
France – México
20150204 (e-mail)
Merci pour ces beaux souvenirs, vous êtes toujours le bienvenu.
Marcel S
Italia, England & Chiapas, México
20150318 (personalmente en el Aeropuerto Int Miguel Hidalgo de GDL)
France – México
20150416 (e-mail)
Bravo et merci pour votre contribution qui est encore et toujours de qualité !!!!
Avec NORMA, nous avons fait une sélection pour le site du lycée.
J’ai également envoyé le lien à nos enseignants organisateurs DE L’EXPO.
Bien à vous
Marcel S
Malaysia – México
20150421 (e-mail)
Hola Jorge,
Antes que nada, te agradezco tu apoyo para atender a Azham y Adrián en su viaje a Guadalajara el viernes 17 de abril, él quedó muy complacido con tu trabajo. También agradezco el que me hayas permitido realizar el pago posterior a los servicios, esto fue de gran ayuda tanto para ellos como para nosotros.
Gracias nuevamente por todo y si tienes cualquier duda o comentario, envíame correo a esta dirección.
Estamos en contacto.
Saludos cordiales,
Manuel H
Aparecida, São Paulo, Brasil
20150421 (FB Message)
Chegamos bem em Querétaro. Agradecemos por sua valiosa contribuição para isso. Abraços e muitas felicidades!
Cecilia L
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
20150421 (FB Message)
Hace un momento les envié un correo con el anexo del pase turístico y con las ligas a los Posts de las fotos favor de confirmar buena recepción.
Aparecida, São Paulo, Brasil
20150421 (FB Message)
Caro amigo Jorge Recebi perfeitamente o documento de autorização e as lindas fotos! Mais uma vez estamos muito agradecidos pela sua competência e profissionalismo. Além de sua simpatia e generosidade. Saiba que aprendemos muito com o senhor nestes dias de pura alegria! Abraços! Aguardamos sua visita ao Brasil!
Cecilia L
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
20150421 (FB Message)
Muchas gracias yo también aprendí mucho y disfruté compartir estos días con Ustedes les deseo una excelente continuación de su viaje por México y un feliz regreso a Brasil
20150424 (e-mail)
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for the quick response. It was nice talking to you.
As you said this tour is perfect for me and meet my expectation.
I look forward to the tour.
Please consider this email as confirmation and let me know if you need anything else.
Best regards
Malaysia, Los Angeles, California, USA.
20150427 (e-mail)
Dear Jorge,
First of all, I would like to say thank you for giving me the hat band which I remember is a favorite of the Minister. You gave him yours which reflects the Mexican flag that made him very pleased indeed. Now I have to get a nice hat to match so that I can tie the one you gave me. Hope that you and family are doing fine there. Am glad that you met my Deputy Mr Azham whom you showed him the places you took the Minister last time. Anyway, I hope that you will have a good week ahead and continue to be passionate of your job.
Thank you,
Can Cun, Quintana Roo, México
20150428 (FB Notifications)
“Felicidades, un buen trabajo no admite reclamaciones, opinión de un turista a cerca de Jorge Curiel Flores:
Cecilia L
19 de abril de 2015 11:08
Nosso primeiro dia no México foi maravilhoso! Agradecemos a recepção e orientação! Nosso guia é muito gentil, educado e profissional!
20 de abril de 2015 7:47
A visita à Tequila foi muito agradável. 19.04.2015
..Cecilia L
20 de abril de 2015 7:47
Estamos contentes!
Sergio P
Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
20150501 (WordPress Comments)
Certamente a grandeza do México está na sua história, marcada pelos grandes feitos do Povo Indígena e que está muito bem preservada. Este grande país sabe reverenciar seus antepassados e está construindo um grande futuro. Agradecemos ao Arquiteto Jorge Flores pelas aulas de história e de arte!
Cecilia L
Cupertino, San Francisco Bay Area, California USA
20150507 (WordPress Comments)
We had a wonderful experience in Guadalajara, in substantial part due to Jorge Curiel Flores, who was our private ‘tour’ guide. Apart from being an expert on the local architecture and points of interest, he is a font of information about the history, culture, politics and economy of Guadalajara – really glad we located him!
And he’s even helping us ship two beautiful ceramic works back to the US!
Paulette A.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
Dear New Friends, Paulette and Richard:
It was an honor and a pleasure to help you, to enjoy your visit and to show you a little part of our nice and enormous rich country, Mexico.
I am so glad that my job lets me to find so nice people and make new friends. This time, not only from Cupertino, in San Francisco Bay Area, but from Deli and from…
I hope, because of the work of Richard at INTEL Guadalajara, you will have the opportunity to come more often and we will continue discovering all those nice touristic places you know are there waiting for your visit.
Thank you very much.
Cupertino, San Francisco Bay Area, California USA
20150509 (e-mail)
Hi Jorge, we are safe and sound back home! Thanks for an excellent time in Guadalajara!
When you send the receipt for the first pottery item to Sebastian Exports, please also send a copy to me!
Richard A
E B C Cd. de México, D. F., CDMX
20150605 (e-mail)
Buen día, Lic. Jorge:
Claro que lo recuerdo. Me alegra mucho su mensaje porque además me recuerda la grata experiencia.
Hemos realizado viajes, pero no a Guadalajara. Sería un gusto organizar y concretar alguna otra aventura de viaje. …
Le agradezco también me comparta la información y la mención que me hace en la publicación, veré el video y cualquier comentario, me pongo en contacto. También lo compartiré con mi jefa y mis compañeros.
Que siga con ese empuje y buen trato como hasta ahora. Estamos en contacto.
Un saludo afectuoso.
Katya B.
London, England, Great Britain
20160315 (e-mail)
Hi Jorge,
I hope all is well down in Mexico.
Here’s a link to my Flickr album from our trip to Los Guachimontones.
Thanks again for the wonderful tour and local meal and info!
London, England, Great Britain
Hi Jorge,
So sorry for the length of time it has taken me to respond. My mom has been keeping me busy. She fell, twice, and broke a foot each time!
Here’s the link to the pictures – I must have forgotten to hit « Paste » in my first email.
Your blogs are good – you’re a ball of energy! It takes a lot of time to do everything you do!
Cinqo de Mayo is close – enjoy!
California, USA
20160513 (e-mail)
our tour
Sr. Flores,
Thanks again for the most wonderful tour last Sunday! We had such a great time. We hope you had fun as well.
I will send you pictures one at a time from my iPhone. Let me now if you want more.
We hope your doctor’s appointment went fine and your mom is feeling better.
Virginia H…
Mascouche, Canada
20160515 (e-mail)
Mascouche, Le 10 mai 2016
Bonjour Monsieur Jorge,
C’est Lise B…, qui veut remercier le merveilleux guide que vous êtes, votre gentillesse et votre galanterie
Fait de vous un vrai gentilhomme.
J’ai appris beaucoup avec toutes vos explications sur l’architecture et l’histoire des belles maisons de
Au Musée Régional de Guadalajara, les détails de la fresque du plafond, les explications du fonctionnement du
cadran solaire, etc. etc.
Les visites aux distilleries d’Amatitan et de Tequila.
1e : La Puerta De Agave
Nous avons mangé sur la terrasse, la vue des montagnes était de toutes beautés.
2e : Tres Mujeres, avec son vieux four et ses champs d’agaves à perte de vue. Vous m’avez montré le chemin
que les agaves prenaient avant de devenir cette boisson délicieuse.
La visite de la cave ((El Trésor de Las Tres Mujères )),
la chapelle avec ses bancs construits avec de vieux barils, très original,
le jeune garçon qui a gravé les verres pour moi. Petit souvenir pour mon fils et sa compagne, ils ont bien aimé!
3e : Villa De Cuerambaro, Amatitan, Jalisco.
Une belle bâtisse faite de briques rouges avec le plafond en coupole très impressionnant ce travail de maçon.
Dans la cour un arbre immense! Le cri d’un paon nous a attiré vers lui. Qu’il était beau !
La vieille voiture rouge et or et le vieux camion vert.
La fausse avec sa grosse roue de pierre qui faisait le travail avant la machinerie.
Les champs d’agaves, les palmiers et le volcan.
À l’intérieur nous sommes montés voire les cuves. J’ai remarqué les quantités que pouvaient contenir
ces grosses cuves, une était marqué, 42, 239LT, l’autre avait 20,500LT.
Nous avons regardé une vidéo qui racontait l’histoire de ((La Villa De Carambar)).
On a vu les décorations qu’ils ont reçues pour la qualité de leur boisson.
De retour à Guadalajara nous avons remarqué les sculptures des chevaux sauvages ils sont très beaux, on les
croirait vivants tellement l’œuvre est parfaite.
Je vous dis au revoir et merci pour ces deux jours inoubliables.
Veillez agréer Monsieur l’expression de mon sentiment reconnaissant.
Si vous le désirez, je peux vous faire parvenir l’ensemble des photos, par Wetransfer. Le dossier aura un poids de 70Mb.
Dallas, Texas, USA
20161003 (e-mail)
My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the pyramids and the village of Tequila. You were an excellent host and very knowledgeable.
Thanks so much
Charles C.
Salt Lake City, USA,
Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México
20161029 (e-mail)
Buenos días, Jorge,
El tour que nos diste de Tequila y sus alrededores fue excelente. Aprendimos cantidades de la destilación del tequila, y a la vez nos divertimos muchísimo. Nos fascinó la profundidad de tus conocimientos así como la claridad de tus explicaciones.
Y qué extraordinaria coincidencia de que llegara el grupo de músicos a cantarnos en « La Capilla ».
Gracias también por las direcciones de cómo salir de Guadalajara para viajar a Michoacán. Aunque si hubo algo de tráfico a la salida, llegamos 4 horas más tarde a Pátzcuaro sin problemas.
Avísanos cuando podamos tener acceso al blog.
Recibe un cordial saludo,
Joel H
San José, California, USA
20170327 (e-mail)
Another trip to Guadalajara
Sr. Flores,
You were a guide for us last year and took us both to Tequila and Guachimontones in one day. We had a blast. We really enjoyed your commentary.
We are returning this year and bringing 4 more friends. We would like to hire someone who can take us to Tonalá for glass, ceramics and furniture. Is this something you can do for us?
We may also want to go to Tequila, but need to figure that out later. We will let you know on that one.
… So, we would like to book a trip to Tonalá for Friday or Saturday, whatever day you think is best for shopping. We will need a large van for 6 people and purchases.
Thanks so much.
Also, I know when we were there last year, your mom was not well. I hope she is better.
Virginia H
20170327 (e-mail)
Hi Virginia:
I remember both of you very well.
It was a pleasure to me to help you to enjoy Guadalajara and its surroundings.
I’m very glad you have good memories of your trip.
I’m ready to take care of you and your friends again. I have already separated those dates for you. Since going to pick you up at the airport.
For the car there is not any problem we will have whatever you need.
So, feel confident, I’m taking care of you since now.
Just keep me posted.
Welcome again.
San José, California, USA
20170327 (e-mail)
Wonderful! I will check with our friends and get back to you.
Sent from my iPad
Vuelo Guadalajara a San José, California, USA
20170423 (Text message)
The security at the airport took away our larger glass items that we packed. This has never happened before. We are very upset. We took the same plates last year and had no problem. Is there anyway you could get us replacements from that store? And ship to us? Please let me know. If yes, we will tell you which ones. And we will get more than two. We also bought a silver bowl made from glass. I can send a picture of it.
Anyway you can tell the tourist department that this is not fair.
Also, let us know status on shipping the mushrooms.
Thanks again for the great tours.
San José California, USA
20170426 (e-mail)
Dear Jorge,
I appreciate all you are doing but I have no receipts, everything was paid for in pesos. I do not remember the name of the store in Tlaquepaque …
You are very kind and if the pieces cost more, I would gladly send the letters requested, …
You are the best travel guide and so conscientious. Thank you so much.
Please send the mushrooms as soon as you can.
¡Muchas gracias!
San José California, USA
20170503 (e-mail)
Hi Jorge,
Thanks for the update. I will let you know delivery address soon. We are discussing whose house is best to deliver. …
I can meet the delivery people at my house if they call me on my cell 30 minutes before they arrive at my house. I would like a day or two notice is possible so I can arrange to have my handyman there to help.
P.S. Hace mucho color aqui!
San José, California, USA
20170510 (e-mail)
RE: Everything ready
Ok. I have heard back from everyone. Thank you so much for all your help on this. Please add another …$ USA for yourself.
This Sunday is our Mother’s Day. A great day.
Thanks again for all your help. We will send you pictures when we get our mushrooms.
20170510 (e-mail)
Dear Virginia, Randy and friends:
Thank you very much. So, I will send you a …
For the insurance: yes, the budget includes an insurance for total losses. And the lady says there should not be possibility of physical damage, because it will be so perfectly packed. I know she is right, we have sent big, 3 feet high, « Petatillo Pottery » pieces, (as the ones we saw in the workshop, do you remember?), much more delicate, and they arrived in perfect conditions.
I have insisted to be very careful.
She is going to give me some unwrapping instructions for you.
For the dimensions and weight of the package, I will inform you as soon as possible.
I’ll keep in touch with you.
San José, California, USA
20170511 (e-mail)
RE: Everything ready
Wonderful! Muchas gracias!
Sent from my iPad
Virginia H
San José, California, USA
20170512 (e-mail)
your website
We are trying to access your website but it says “suspended”. Do you have a new website? How can we access the pictures you took of us on vacation?
Also, any idea of how long it will take the mushrooms to arrive?
Thanks again for all your help and a fun vacation.
Virginia H
20170514 (e-mail)
Re: your website
Qué tal, Virginia:
I hope you had a very nice Mother’s Day. And the best wishes for the mothers of the team.
The exportation company is already paid, they are doing the official proceedings for the delivery of the merchandise. Including the required fumigation.
The mushrooms should arrive in between 2 or 3 weeks. May be even a little less, but they don’t want to offer more, just in case a delay in the border, or whatever.
About our website, we have been attacked by a hacker some months ago, they spoiled our place, and more than 3 years of work.
We tried to recover it, but it was impossible, google closed it definitely.
We already opened a new one, but with the work, home, and my mother’s health, I haven’t had the chance to improve it. I promise you to do an extra effort, so to show you the pictures.
I will keep you posted.
Congratulations again.
San José, California, USA
20170514 (e-mail)
Re: your website
Yes, we had a great day. And you?
Thanks for the update in delivery.
We would like some photos of all of us when you can.
Virginia H
20170530 (e-mail)
Mushrooms news
Dear Virginia, Randy and friends:
I have the measurements of the two boxes containing the mushrooms:
The little one is 40 x 48 x 48 inches and weighs 110 pounds
The big one is 40 x 48 x 88 inches and weighs 220 pounds
I received an e-mail last week, on the 24rd from the shipping and export company, that I copy the text in here:
« Very respectable client and friend
This message is to inform you that due to this weekend tornado in Texas, Laredo customs are close to the importations and exportations.
Because of this situation customs are still holding clearances and therefore will delay our deliveries at final destination
We are very sorry for this situation unfortunately it remains out of our hands
We will keep you posted
Best regards. »
As yesterday it was day off in the US, we didn’t have more news. They were moving to Columbia bridge the perishable and most urgent merchandises. But it was supposed to re normalize the flow of merchandise by this week.
As soon as I have any news, I will let you know.
By the way, also 10 days ago, my mother had a new head stroke. She was very weak, and we took her to the hospital. The doctors say it was in the same area than the first big one, and affected the same functions, speaking and walking. But they say, thanks to the medicines she is taking, it wasn’t as bad as the first. She left the hospital Tuesday, may 23rd and she is pretty recovered. Last Sunday she even watched a film with us in the TV.
Let’s pray for her.
Best regards, we will keep in touch.
San José, California, USA
20170531 (e-mail)
RE: Mushrooms news
Thanks so much for the update on the mushrooms. Also, our thoughts are with you and your family. we hope your mom continues her recovery. I know how hard these times can be.
Lima, Perú
20170628 (Facebook)
Este paseo por Tequila fue muy lindo ,tuvimos al mejor guía el señor Jorge Curiel Flores
Marita M. P.
San José, California, USA
20170630 (e-mail)
Re: Is everything ok
I sent you an email that we received them! They are in my garage waiting until our contractor can unpack. He has been busy selling his house. So hard to wait to see them! As soon as they are unpacked, I will send picture.
Thanks for checking up!
So weird. I did not email all your various emails but glad you followed up! We will definitely contact you when we come back to Guadalajara! And next time we will just ship everything back through your great shipper!
We are in Santa Fe New Mexico. Super fun
Querétaro, México
20170701 (e-mail)
¡¡Hola Jorge, buenas tardes!!
Primero que nada, quiero agradecerte y pedirte que extiendas este agradecimiento …, ya que pasamos un día muy enriquecedor y agradable conociendo la Hacienda … y el pueblo de Tequila…
Abusando de tu amabilidad y aprovechando el correo, pido de favor tu apoyo para pedirte si sería posible que me enviaras por este medio algunas de las fotografías que nos tomaste tanto en el Mirador como en la Hacienda.
Esto debido a que el lunes tengo que entregar el Reporte de nuestro Viaje de Integración.
¿Me puedes ayudar…?
Quedo a la espera de tu amable respuesta.
Griss Elvira A.
San José, Ca. USA
20170708 (e-mail)
Our mushroom: (picture)
So fun!
We are dropping off others to Binders and Ioannous.
It is beautiful!
Thanks for all your help😻👍
Virginia H
San José, Ca. USA
20170708 (e-mail)
Here are the Ioannous. (picture)
Virginia H
Singapur, Taiwán, México
20170728 (e-mail)
Muchas gracias Jorge por el tour, fue un placer haber visitado GUAD y sabes que todos se fueron con un grato sentimiento de lo que es realmente México.
Estamos en contacto.
Víctor M
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
20190117 (e-mail)
Buenos días. Le escribo desde una agencia de viajes en Rep. Dominicana. Tengo un grupo que va a Guadalajara este próximo mes de febrero y quería ver si es posible contar con sus servicios.
Espero sus comentarios. GRACIAS,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
20190327 (e-mail)
Jorge, hola. GRACIAS por toda su ayuda. Los clientes complacidos. (JCF: grupos de febrero y marzo)
Para este nuevo grupo en INGLES vamos a necesitar:
04 APR – Recibimiento grupo de Jamaica (en breve le mando el horario)
06 APR – Día a Ocotlán
07 APR – City Tour
En breve le mando mas detalles; pero para que sepa los días. ¿Está disponible?
20190327 (e-mail)
Qué tal, Julissa, Graciela y Mariela:
Qué bueno que los clientes quedaron complacidos. Y supongo que todos regresaron con bien. Nuevamente fue un placer trabajar con Mariela y con Graciela. Y espero que ahora sí alguna de las dos te cubra allá en oficina, para que ahora vengas tú y tener el gusto de conocerte personalmente.
Entonces ahora tenemos al grupo de Jamaica en INGLÉS del 4 al 8 de abril, supongo misma mecánica, pero una pregunta:
Tú me describes el programa para el 4, 6 y 7 de abril, pero: ¿Qué vamos a hacer el viernes 5, nos vamos a ir a Chapala a festejar mi cumpleaños? No se me haría mala idea, tanto para ellos, como para Ustedes y para mí… Al cabo, como yo no tomo, seguimos trabajando el sábado 6… Jajaja…
Y después tendríamos al grupo … en español, el … de abril, ¿cierto?
Un abrazo para las tres,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
20190403 (e-mail)
Jorge, hola. Quiero presentarle el nuevo grupo …
Aquí necesito que me ayude a coordinar lo de la visita a Tequila. E incluir las entradas que hagan falta.
Esto es lo que he entregado a los clientes: Son 08 PAX …
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
20190408 (e-mail)
Holaaa. GRACIAS por todos sus servicios. Los clientes están muy complacidos. Gracias.
Ahora llegan estas 8 personas. Creo que le había enviado el correo; pero no lo encuentro. … el itinerario que hemos enviado a los clientes es el siguiente:
(Necesitamos su especial ayuda en el tour a Tequila)
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
20190409 (e-mail)
En esta ocasión, los clientes viajan solos, sin nadie de la agencia …
Saludos y mil gracias,
20190409 (e-mail)
Qué tal chicas, entonces ahora me dejan sólo, ¡qué tal!
Muy bien, no se apuren yo me encargo…
Entonces, lo único que me faltaría es confirmar el Hotel, los nombres de los Pax y los datos del vuelo a Cancún.
20190416 (What’sApp)
Jorge: Qué tal mis nuevos amigos: ¿cómo estuvo el paseo por tierras Guanajuatenses? ¿Y cómo estuvo el viaje de regreso? ¿Se llevaron buenos recuerdos de su experiencia en Guadalajara? Entonces, ¿cuándo vuelven?
Nogales, Sonora, México
20190416 (What’sApp)
[16/4 20:31] Jacinto Aureliano: Muchas gracias bien recomendados
20190416 (What’sApp)
[16/4 20:39] Jorge: Saludos Don Jacinto Aureliano. Mike, pásenme sus fotos y las ponemos en el blog, para que compartan el link con sus familiares y amigos
Nogales, Arizona, USA
20190416 (What’sApp)
[1/5 11:40] Michael: Jorge Good Morning, my apologizes for a late response. We want to thank you so much for the tour Jorge. Your in-depth knowledge and love for the city is easily seen when you talk about it. We told everyone up here in the states that the main reason we had such a great time in Guadalajara is because of your tour and style of guiding visitors throughout the city…
[1/5 11:41] Michael: You made it so enjoyable that we will look you up again when we visit again so we can explore more of your beautiful city. If you ever make your way up to Arizona or Nogales, Sonora, look us up and we will visit with each other.
[1/5 11:45] Michael: Later today, I will add Briana to this group so she can pass you all the photos because most were taken on her phone. thank you again Jorge! and by the way, we enjoyed our guide for Guanajuato and SMA, but your knowledge and love for what you are showing and teaching far exceeded the other tour in the other cities. thanks!
JCF Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
20190416 (What’sApp)
[1/5 11:49] Jorge: Thank you so much Michael. I will be very glad to receive you again. I will be looking forward the pictures too. Right now, I am with Costa Rica and Ecuador tourist in Tonalá
Guyana, Caribbean Team.
20190425 (e-mail)
Dear señor Jorge,
How are you!?. I do hope all is well with you and your family in Guadalajara, Jalisco. It was a pleasure to visit your city, state and country. The people are wonderful and the place is beautiful.
I am sending to you some photographs taken during our stay in Guadalajara. Please see the attachment below.
Best regards and salutations,
Mark- team Guyana
Please note: I have many more photos but Gmail does not have plenty space to send the photos. WhatsApp has more space for me to send all of the photos.
Mark- team Guyana
Guyana, Caribbean Team.
20190430 (What’sApp)
Mark: ¡Saludos mi amigo, estamos ya conectados! ¡Qué Felicidad!
How is Guadalajara and your family?
I will be sending you the nice photos soon.
Jorge: Fine. Thank you. And you and your family?
Mark: We are great here in Guyana, my family is great. They are excited about Guadalajara. They live the photos.
Guyana, Caribbean Team.
20190430 (e-mail)
Saludos from Guyana
Dear Jorge,
Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico was the best travel experience I had in many years. I enjoy the beautiful places, the history and historical sites. The food is lovely and most of all the TEQUILA!!!
You very kind and friendly to us and we have become true friends. You have done an excellent job, thank you very much.
You are authorized to use my photos on your blog and you can send me the link. It will be very nice to share those wonderful memories with family and friends.
We are now connected on WhatsApp so we can communicate better and send photos easier.
Best regards
Dr. Mark _ Team Guyana Nestlé
Seattle, Washington, USA.
20190507 (e-mail)
RE: Reviews
I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to reply.
I’ve sent in a very positive review for you on TourHQ and hope you like it. Thank you again for a marvelous trip …
Take care,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
Review in TOUR HQ
20190507 (Tour HQ)
An Absolutely AMAZING Private Tour!!!!!
Reviewed May 7, 2019
1 person found this review helpful
My husband and I decided at the last minute to make a trip to central Mexico – something he’s wanted to do for a long time, but neither of us speaks Spanish and we were a bit uncomfortable about making this trip solo. It was also the first time we used a tour guide for an entire trip. THE BEST THING WE EVER DID WAS SIGN UP FOR 9 PRIVATE TOUR DAYS WITH JORGE. The service and the expertise were absolutely amazing from the minute we hit the ground in Guadalajara to the moment we were deposited at our exit hotel. And, we felt safe and supported throughout our travels.
The level of knowledge about the history, culture, architecture, geography and art blew us away! We spent our days engrossed in the beauty of the area and our evenings discussing; what we’d learned. Our days were tailored to our needs and interest and flexible enough to allow us to make changes on the fly. Our car was comfortable, clean (every day) and the door opened for us at every stop. We went to places off the beaten path and met some extraordinary artisans. We even had a chance to calmly discuss the current socio-political situation in both of our countries and gain valuable insight.
The only downside to our trip due to no fault of Jorge’s, is that we both got sick due to our own carelessness… don’t have ice in your beverages even if you’re in a high end hotel! That being said, we were able to adjust our schedule without any hesitation to deal with the stomach issues.
The icing on the cake was returning home and having a discussion with a family of 4 that went to the same area the following week. They were amazed at how much we did and saw – triple their schedule! I would most definitely recommend Jorge and thank him for arranging such a wonderful trip for us. What a wonderful way to begin our 40th anniversary travels. 🙂
Jorge CURIEL FLORES’s response to the review
May 9, 2019
This is part of a private message with them: … Well, the good thing is that now you are recovered. I repeat, I am so sorry for that. And I hope you are getting back to normality. On the other side, I really appreciate your review in tour HQ, I am sure it will be very helpful. Thank you very much.
… …you will have the opportunity to see lots of nice things. Including my architect work, … For retirement, think about Chapala Lake Side, the biggest lake in Mexico, … with the best climate in the word. Just one hour away, south from Guadalajara, half an hour after the airport (look for it in the map); better known by snowbirds and retirement people from USA and Canada, as “Ajijic”, one of the lake side towns, where they began to get established, and now they are spread all around the lake. Get a look on internet… I will show you … a nice residence I did for an American couple in retirement, for whom I had already done a remodelation of another house here in Guadalajara. And of course, it is much cheaper than in the states. Well, … I hope you both are now in “plain shape”, as we say in Spanish, I don’t know if it has any sense in English… “in full form”, according to Google Translator. I send you my best regards, and a big Hugh.
Sincerely Jorge.
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
20190514 (mensaje de voz What’sApp)
Hola Jorge…
Gracias por las felicitaciones… último domingo del mes… (día de las Madres)
Con relación a los clientes, ellos quedaron muy contentos, todo el viaje les fue bastante bien, en realidad, gracias a Dios, todo quedó bastante bien, así que gracias, buenas tardes…
Les écrits, les images, les photos, les vidéos et tout le contenu de ce blog, est de ma paternité, et / ou de ma famille ou mes amitiés, avec leur autorisation correspondante ; donc, je vous prie fortement ne pas leur copier, ni leur télécharger, ni leur envoyer séparément, mais bien mieux : s’il vous plait, renvoyez les liens, pour qu’ils puissent voir et profiter de l’ensemble.
De cette façon, vous m’aiderez à donner une vie nouvelle au blog, tout en respectant les droits de paternité.
Je veux aussi, remercier et reconnaitre dans le cas, tous ceux qui nous ont permis de prendre des photos dans leur propriétés, dont je ne cite pas leurs noms pour les mêmes raisons de confidentialité.
Finalement, si pour une raison quelconque, quelqu’un ne veut pas qu’une photo qui est dans le blog, soit publié, il faut me le dire, SVP, pour la retirer.
Merci beaucoup.
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