About Jorge

“About me”

Born in México City, I have also lived and studied in Zamora and Jacona, Michoacán, and in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, my actual residence. Participating in a College Exchange Program, UAG – UN-L, I also lived in USA; I came back to finish my Architectural studies and my MBA, then I got a scholar ship to follow superior studies in France: ENTPE Lyon; ICI, ENPC, CNAM, Paris. Thank to this, I have had the great opportunity to visit and known 27 countries, their culture and people; beginning, of course, by my loved and beauty México! Canada and USA in America, the rest in Europe, Marco in Africa and Turkey (Cappadocia) in Asia.

So, I am an Architect, with an MBA and several Diplomas and Superior Certificates, at Ph level. Other courses, diplomas and continuous education all my life.

I work by my own, and will be glad to serve you: Advise, design and construction, depending on your needs, such as: Residential projects, commercial, Industrial or agricultural buildings. Food refrigeration, freezing and commercialization; HVAC. Renewable energies & savings. Supervision, appraisals and expert opinion in all these disciplines.

As I say:

“I am poor but independent, or independent but poor… it depends how you see it…” jajaja…

Please refer in here at: “Realizations”, and, “Expert Opinions” Chapters.

As I love languages, traveling and meeting nice people, which I used to do as a hobby, and for family and friends, now, since 2000, I became an Official Interpreter and Translator, Certified by “CJEJ, Consejo de la Judicatura del Poder Judicial del Estado de Jalisco”, as well as “Mediator” in the new Justice System, “Justicia Alternativa, IJA”, a new “Peace Culture”. With stamp and signature internationally recognized.

Please refer in here at: “Expert Opinions”, and, “Translations Interpretations” Chapters

In 2002, I also got registered as “Official Tour Guide”, Certified by SECTUR – SECTURJAL, The Tourism National and State Minister.

In both cases, in English and French.

Please refer in here at: “Services”, and, “Tours” Chapters

These are my second jobs, “to rest doing adobes”, as we say in Spanish….

So, I challenge you to find my “Tetra Selfie” in the first image of this page.

I am so proud of my Country, («J’ai deux amours, mon pays et Paris» … where I lived 3 and a half years), México, its history, its culture, its folklore, its music and its Food: “Mexican Cuisine” has been declared “Human Heritage” by UNESCO. Its traditions and modern development, its marvelous pre-Columbian archeological sites, its magnificent colonial Spanish cities, that became actual great metropolis, with its modern shopping centers, as well as its traditional markets. Nice landscapes, beautiful mountains and volcanoes, impressing canyons, rivers and lakes; and, of course, its marvelous beaches, surfing waves and diving seas, as well as its bays between the most beautiful in the world, with really warm water, fine sand and wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Great variety of flora and fauna, many endemic.

Mexico has all, but most important: its warm, welcoming and charming people; it is what I want to share with visitors, our tourists, to share with you.

If you want to live in México, either, as snowbirds, while in your country is so cold, or if you want to retire in México, come in, welcome, I also can help you.

And, if you are Mexican, we are “Paisanos”, if you want to better enjoy our country, I’ll be glad guiding you.

*Pictures offered by O. R. who getting back to Siberia, from Guadalajara, sent me these photos, asking me: How long since I haven’t seen the snow?! We got -5 F in Toronto, Niagara Falls, Montreal and New York, and -12 F in Moscow…

*Pictures JCF and offered by CSG

Did you find me in the picture, my four facets? I just made you a big present… a huge help!…

Welcome to Mexico.

¡¡¡Viva México!!!

For disclosure reasons, there are not complete personal data or any other sensitive information. Writings, images, photos, videos and all blog content, are authored by me, and /or my family or my friends, with their respective authorization; so, I am praying you to not copy, download or resend those separately to anyone else, but, much better: please, resend them the links, so they could see and enjoy the whole raft. This way, you help me to give new life to the blog, and we respect the author rights. I also want to thank and recognize in the case, all those who let us take pictures in their properties, skipping their names and data for the same privacy reasons. Finally, if, for any reason someone don’t want a photo that is on the post, to be published, please let me know, to take it out.

Thank you very much.



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All texts, images, pictures, videos and all content in this blog, © Jorge CURIEL FLORES 1954 and subsequent, 2025. All rights reserved * (1)

*** (1) And / or for each particular case, the origin mentioned.

    For further information: Do you have any questions or comments? We’ll be glad to help you, get in touch with us.