“It’s because of old friends, that I became a Tourist Guide, now, it’s because I am a Tourist Guide that we make new friends! As well as those that didn’t know each other become also friends between themselves!” JCF.
Dear Friends:
Usually I like to write a description of the “Post” and even, as far as possible, some notes for each one of the pictures on it.
Nevertheless, in the last months I have been quite busy.
As many of the friends had asked me to share those photos, I have decided to “Open” the “Posts”, even if they are not finished yet. They are missing many details, but at least we can see the pictures.
In some cases, it is missing to crop some, edit others, etc.
“Rome was not made in one day”.
So, I have decided to share them just as they are, from now on…
At least all of us can enjoy a nice souvenir…
We are dealing with a “Post under Construction”, where the “Construction” risk to take 75 years, as that of our nice “Expiatory” Church, or the “CHEPE” Train… Too bad.
We have to complete:
The Title: to be confirmed or modified…
Text to be written in here…
And comments as footers, to be added to each picture…
Contributions, comments and suggestions are welcome for all texts and footers.
And I would really appreciate those who would like to share their photos, to send them to me; I will be very glad to add them to the “Post”, giving the appropriate reconnaissance to the Author. So, the other friends could see them.
I’m working on the English version, as soon as it will be ready, I will post it in here. Thank you for your comprehension. The pictures are already posted:
Para mí, la mejor, no por mí mismo, sino por el enclave: la ubicación entre el hermoso lago de Chapala, el más grande de México y las montañas que lo rodean. Aunque a Jorge mi hijo, le guste más la de OFC en Azáleas Residencial, en Bugambilias, Zapopan, Jalisco.
Con vista panorámica de 360º y donde, con el concepto del Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, de que en el Museo de Antropología, había que verlo constantemente y no olvidarnos de que estamos enmedio del Bosque de Chapultepec, aquí la idea era ver el lago desde todos los puntos de la casa. Incluído el Jaccuzzi, idea de Norma. Las terrazas de la entrada y la jardinería, diseño de Jorge Jr. cuando tenía 13 años! Y la terraza del techo, como el “Burro que tocó la flauta”, salió al paso, al colar la losa de concreto, lo cual terminó siendo la escalera secreta a la azotea, como puente levadizo de la Edad Media, justo atrás del árbol de Navidad, el día de la inauguración.
La cúpula, con azulejo rojo, especialmente solicitado, para recordar la de Nuestra Señora de Florencia, de doble capa, predecesora y maestra de la del Vaticano, obra de Miguel Ángel.
“La basílica catedral metropolitana de Santa Maria dei Fiore, o catedral de Santa María de las Flores (en italiano, Cattedrale di Santa Maria dei Fiore), es la sede episcopal (en italiano duomo) de la archidiócesis de Florencia, Italia. Es una de las obras maestras del arte gótico y del primer Renacimiento italiano. …
Destaca, de forma singular, la grandiosa cúpula, obra de Filippo Brunelleschi,1 una estructura isostática de 100 m de altura interior; 114,5 m de altura exterior; 45,5 m de diámetro exterior y 41 m de luz (diámetro interior) con la particularidad de que esta cúpula, en sí misma, anula los empujes horizontales para no transmitir al tambor que la sustenta prácticamente más cargas que las verticales correspondientes a su propio peso” WikipediA.
Agradezco en particular a Randy, el dueño definitivo, desde hace 20 años, su invitación a pasar el otro día, con mis nuevos amigos; nos emocionó con sus pláticas referentes a la revista National Geografic, y la pena de haber perdido a las dos hermosas palmas, a pesar de los esfuerzos por salvarlas, esas originalmente regalo de mis papás, que ya habían crecido en el jardín principal, (tengo que buscar las fotos, para incluirlas luego), a la par de la araucaria y ciprés frontales, esos regalo mío.
Here they are:
Click the pictures to enlarge them and to advance to the next.
For disclosure reasons, there are not complete personal data or any other sensitive information.
Writings, images, photos, videos and all blog content, are authored by me, and /or my family or my friends, with their respective authorization; so, I am praying you to not copy, download or resend those separately to anyone else, but, much better: please, resend them the links, so they could see and enjoy the whole raft.
This way, you help me to give new life to the blog, and we respect the author rights.
I also want to thank and recognize in the case, all those who let us take pictures in their properties, skipping their names and data for the same privacy reasons.
Finally, if, for any reason someone don’t want a photo that is on the post, to be published, please let me know, to take it out.
Thank you very much.
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All texts, images, pictures, videos and all content in this blog, © Jorge CURIEL FLORES 1954 and subsequent, 2025. All rights reserved * (1)
*** (1) And / or for each particular case, the origin mentioned.